I am Carlos A.

Hello, world!

I am Carlos de Alfonso, and I am a computer scientist. When I started to learn, the Internet was not available, and most of the specializations were not even invented. So I learned a lot of things, and I have been working in different areas: from sysadmin to network engineer, from web developer to mobile developer, from database administrator to data scientist.

I like coding a lot, and I have been coding for more than 30 years (I started when I was 8 years old), and I have been working as a professional developer for more than 20 years.

In this page you can find a selection of some of my projects. I hope you like them.


Here you can find a selection of some of my projects. I hope you like them.

WhatsApp without contact

This tool enables to start a WhatsApp chat without having the phone number saved in the contacts.

PDF Viewer for web pages

PDFjs-viewer is a embeddable and easily customizable PDF viewer that is implemented using the PDF.js library.

PDFjs-viewer is written from scratch and has nothing to do with the example viewer in the PDF.js distribution


SelectBoxUI is a library that provides a user interface to make a visual selection of a rectangular area in an element of a Web page. The effect is shown in the image.

Simple Lottie Player

I created my LottiePlayer that includes some features that may help developers to make their applications simpler.

Additionally, I created a LottieFiles trimmer, which is capable of removing the blank margins of a Lottie animation.

Custom Event Handlers in HTML tags (on-event)

Enables using on-<event-handler> attributes in HTML tags to create inline handlers for custom events.

Example: <div id="exampleModal" class="modal" on-show.bs.modal="alert('show')" on-hide.bs.modal="alert('hide')">

Simple and Agnostic PDF Document Parser (SAPP)

SAPP is a PDF parser that enables other cool features such as digitally signing documents using PHP (it also enables multiple signatures), rebuilding documents (to make the content more clear or compact), etc.

PowerButtons (unleash the power of your buttons)

This library supercharges web buttons with extra functionality to simplify some tasks that we usually do in web pages, such as adding a confirmation dialog prior to submitting a form, or verifying that some condition is met prior to executing a function, etc.